December 6 Daily Discovery
December 6 Daily Discovery
Read Joshua Chapter 6
It's Shoutin' Time!
And Joshua had commanded the people, saying, Ye shall not shout, nor make any noise with your voice, neither shall any word proceed out of your mouth, until the day I bid you shout; then shall ye shout.
~ Joshua 6:10
There is a battle-cry that is the result of achieving a victory in warfare. (Ex. 32:18) That is the type of shout we are considering today.
Sports fans really let loose while watching their teams compete. They are in a contest and their fans are watching in the stadiums and electronically.
People can become very animated while watching a sporting event.
The greatest shouts are when your team has won.
God's Battle Plan
God instructed Joshua to have the army quietly march around the city for seven days; once each day for six days and then seven times on the seventh day.
Seven in the Bible is the number of perfection or completion.
They were forbidden to talk or shout for every trip around that great, idolatrous walled city for the first six days and then the first six trips on the seventh day.
Upon the seventh day on the seventh trip around the city, Joshua commanded the people to shout.
The Symbol of God's Presence
Most of the army went before the priests and the ark of the covenant. There were seven priests each with a ram's horn that would blow them as the compassed the city. The army remained silent. The focus was upon the priests and the ark of the covenant that they attended.
There was an army before, then the priests and the ark of the covenant, and then a smaller contingent comprised the rear guard that followed the ark of the covenant.
God would get the glory for the victory
The great walls of Jericho were going to fall down flat when the trumpets sounded a long blast joined with the shouts of God's people.
They did not surround the city in order to besiege it. They did not bring in battering rams against the walls. They did not set fire to the gates.
They just marched silently and then shouted, and the walls fell down flat. They did not have to go around any structures. They proceeded straight over the walls.
Total Destruction Commanded
God instructed them to kill everyone and everything. They were to utterly destroy the city and then burn it to the ground before they left.
The Spoils
God told them to keep the metals: iron, bronze, silver, and gold. The only prohibition to this was that they were not to take ANY idols that represented the false gods that the population worshiped.
Faith in God Delivers from Destruction
Joshua had sent two spies ahead into the city. They had been hidden and helped by a woman named Rahab that was a harlot.
She told them how they had heard that the true God of Heaven and Earth was protecting and leading the Israelites and that she knew that Israel was going to destroy her pagan city.
She asked them to spare her family, who evidently shared in her conviction about the God of the Hebrews. Her act of faith in hiding the spies resulted in her family being spared in the overthrow.
She tied a scarlet ribbon from the window that she had used to let the spies down as a symbol of her faith.
She was delivered along with her parents and brothers and sisters and their children.
Faith is the Victory
"For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith."
~ I John 5:4
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