January 14 Daily Discovery
January 14 Daily Discovery
Read 2 Chronicles Chapter 1
A King's Wish
Solomon had been well established as the King over Israel and he is starting off quite well because he is seeking God.
3 So Solomon, and all the congregation with him, went to the high place that was at Gibeon; for there was the tabernacle of the congregation of God, which Moses the servant of the Lord had made in the wilderness.
4 But the ark of God had David brought up from Kirjathjearim to the place which David had prepared for it: for he had pitched a tent for it at Jerusalem.
5 Moreover the brasen altar, that Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, had made, he put before the tabernacle of the Lord: and Solomon and the congregation sought unto it.
~ 2 Chron. 1:3-5
The Tabernacle at Gibeon
The tabernacle first rested at Gilgal on Israel's eatern boundary for the first seven years of Israel's conquest. It was later moved to Shiloh and then to Nob and then Gibeon, until David had it relocated to Jerusalem.
The Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem
The ark of the covenant had rested in Shiloh after Joshua and the children of Israel had begun taking the land of Canaan for their possession. It was there during the period of the judges.
During David's reign, Shiloh had been overrun and he had the ark moved to Gibeon and eventually David would have the ark returned to the tabernacle in Jerusalem.
The children of Israel decided they would take the ark with them to war when fighting the Philistines. This was their own idea; God did not tell them to do this. They lost the ark, which they would eventually get back, but this is how the ark became separated from the tabernacle.
Solomon Sought the Lord
5 Moreover the brasen altar, that Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, had made, he put before the tabernacle of the Lord: and Solomon and the congregation sought unto it.
6 And Solomon went up thither to the brasen altar before the Lord, which was at the tabernacle of the congregation, and offered a thousand burnt offerings upon it.
Solomon offered 1,000 burnt offerings to the LORD. He was serious about worshiping God. Sacrifice is at the very heart of worship. Offering things are representations of giving ourselves to God.
He was also leading the congregation to follow in his footsteps.
Before he made this trip, he made an address to the people.
And Solomon the son of David was strengthened in his kingdom, and the Lord his God was with him, and magnified him exceedingly.
2 Then Solomon spake unto all Israel, to the captains of thousands and of hundreds, and to the judges, and to every governor in all Israel, the chief of the fathers.
God was pleased with Solomon's sacrifices and He appeared to him that night and asked Solomon "what would you like for me to give you."
It was pretty much an open-ended offer to ask God for anything he wanted and would bring out what was in Solomon's heart.
Solomon Received His Request
Solomon said, "I need wisdom. Here I am, the leader of this great nation and I need your help so I can rule them wisely. "
Read also I Kings 3:1-14
God said, "OK." God was pleased that Solomon did not request riches or long life or victory over his enemies.
You've got wisdom! But wait, there's more!
Solomon Received Riches, too!
Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like.
~ 2 Chron. 1:12
The Queen of Sheba's Testimony
And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to prove Solomon with hard questions at Jerusalem, with a very great company, and camels that bare spices, and gold in abundance, and precious stones: and when she was come to Solomon, she communed with him of all that was in her heart.
2 And Solomon told her all her questions: and there was nothing hid from Solomon which he told her not.
3 And when the queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon, and the house that he had built,
4 And the meat of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the attendance of his ministers, and their apparel; his cupbearers also, and their apparel; and his ascent by which he went up into the house of the Lord; there was no more spirit in her.
5 And she said to the king, It was a true report which I heard in mine own land of thine acts, and of thy wisdom:
6 Howbeit I believed not their words, until I came, and mine eyes had seen it: and, behold, the one half of the greatness of thy wisdom was not told me: for thou exceedest the fame that I heard.
7 Happy are thy men, and happy are these thy servants, which stand continually before thee, and hear thy wisdom.
8 Blessed be the Lord thy God, which delighted in thee to set thee on his throne, to be king for the Lord thy God: because thy God loved Israel, to establish them for ever, therefore made he thee king over them, to do judgment and justice.
9 And she gave the king an hundred and twenty talents of gold, and of spices great abundance, and precious stones: neither was there any such spice as the queen of Sheba gave king Solomon.
~ 2 Chron. 9:1-9
Continue Your Search
In this chapter, do you see any: Commands to Obey, Warnings to Heed, Promises to Claim, Examples to Follow, Vices to Avoid, Praises to Emulate, Prayers to Use, Principles by which to Live, Questions to Ask or Actions to Take?